Liberals treat dogs like people, Conservatives treat people like dogs

Thursday, August 10

Friday Fives

1. Dessert: Pie or Cake? Why?

pie, cause its colder. See, to me... a meal should be hot and a desert should be cold

2. Are you any good at Frisbee?

about as good as you. It's fun, but I haven't done it in years. Guess you could say that about a few things, eh?

3. Have you ever disliked someone for being luckier than you?

I won't for a second to pretend to be above jealousy. However, I consider myself rather lucky in life every day... so I don't dwell.

4. If you had the ability and opportunity to compete in the Olympics, which event would it be?

air hockey. Seriously, there are few in the world at my ability

5. When "the tooth fairy" "came," what was usually left?

Don't really remember. Prolly a dollar


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can so take you at air hockey!! I guess it must be the birthday huh, them March 22nd boys can play

6:34 AM  
Blogger Lono of Denver said...

Listen here, Snoop Douggie Doug. Even though you probably have 50 pounds on me, I will whip your ass in air hockey. Drop me a line next time you are in town. We'll go for beers and knock a few games out.

hope you are well, and start practicing now.

4:12 AM  

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