Friday Fives
* sorry for the delay. My server was down and I was a little busy in the bathroom at the Minneapolis airport.** I don't know what is a server is either, but it was down.... honest.
Imagine you are on your deathbed. Recommend to those who remain in your life...
1) One book to read.
the greatest and most wonderful book ever written, on a million different levels. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I have read a lot, my degree is in literature... and all that high minded stuff and arty Shakespeare can't compare to the Lewis Carrol tome, written about 150 years ago.
2) One movie to watch.
Well, if I had to choose one movie... it would be one that is very very funny. It would have to be amazing storytelling, with Oscar worthy acting performances. It would also have to have beautiful cinematography. Also, it would probably need to feature Peter Falk. What film? It is one I own two different DVD versions of, and a VHS too. The Princess Bride.
3) One food to eat.
since this is poorly worded, I will exploit it with a large and simple and joyful answer > Mexican food.
4) One place to go.
church. Ha ha ha hah, just kidding. the woods. No, the beach. No, Mexico. I dunno, just follow your bliss. You know where my favorite place to go is? Home. It sounds simple, but home is where it's at. I got a comfy bed, everything is where I want it, and I don't ever have to leave.
5) One life lesson to leave behind.
Enjoy every sandwich - Warren Zevon