Friday Fives
1. What item would you be embarrassed for people to know you own?a set of rubber duckies and other toys for Sunday night bathtime
2. What is something you splurged on just for you?
my bike. Last fall I spend a grand on a new mountain bike. It' s super sweet dope ass Canonndale. I am offsetting the cost by biking to work, though. Plus, it's my first new bike in twenty years... so I figured I earned it.
3. What is something that you own with no real world value that is priceless to you?
a small gold plated tie tack in the shape of a Buffalo from my late Grandfather. We are all from Buffalo, see. I mention Phoenix a lot, but it all began in Buffalo.
4. Do you collect anything?
guitars, I guess. I got 7, and still want more. Along with making music, they are things of shape and beauty... like yourself.
5. What item belonging to a friend/family member do you covet?
right now, my brother's Apple laptop. He offered it to me months ago but has been dragging his feet because he would have to replace is whole rig. I have to toil in the basement to write this stuff folks... in the basement. I feel like some kind of common leatherbound sex slave right out of pulp fiction. I am sure he doesn't read this, but if he did I would say something like this: dear grainger, is it that you want me to be a slave to windows forever? This is your chance to get me off the stuff. If I can't get your laptop, I am just going to by a $400 cheapie toshiba something or other so I can surf upstairs on the network.
Aw, who we kiddin? What's a guy like that care about motivating his own little brother. He's only a motivational speaker. add tears... and.... scene!