Liberals treat dogs like people, Conservatives treat people like dogs

Thursday, March 15

Friday Fives

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?

Fridays. Why? Because Friday holds all the hope of what the weekend could be. Saturday is swell, but gets caught up do more errands and busy work than unbridaled fun. Sundays? Sunday's are for football, and if all goes well... sleeping in.

2. What was the best weekend of your life?

Geesh. I think probably my wedding, because all the people I care about were in one place... here. You don't get those opportunities much in life, and too often it may be a funeral that brings us all together. Funeral sad, wedding good. This is why I routinely tell my therapist that my entire family is 'dead to me'. It is a preventative emotional barrier so I can skip potential future funerals. Seems pretty sound, eh?

3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?

fall is always super great, because Denver summers can be way meaner than you think. Plus, on Labor Day we get together in Northern Arizona for the party of the year. This year will be the tenth annual. You can come too, bring a tent and a guitar.

4. Would you rather live ina world where there was no such thing as pain, but also no such thing a sports - or - where there was no such hting as world hunger but also no such thng as Jim K. Bullock.

well, I am crazy for football Sundays and my beloved Broncos... so I will let you figure that one out.

5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

I call them the 'Saturday Night Fiascos'. This is when everyone ends up at my house. We drink a lot and cook a lot and play guitars all night long. Always a good time, much money is saved, and all have a safe place to crash if need be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Friday for sure. When you wake up there's no hang over, it's fun to try and come up with a good excuse to ditch out of work, and beer just seems to taste better after work than it does on the weekend.
2. probably way back when I was 16. don't remember dates, but I know that late in the summer we beat A-West and then won the whole summer league baseball tourney. I still have the ball that I pitched that day that the whole team signed.
3. anything in the summer. I like it hot, I like to be outside in the day, and I can't do that while I'm at work.
4. I don't know who Jim Bullock is and I don't really care so that works for me.
5. beer w/ a friend, some music (especially live), and a sober driver. I can take care of the rest on my own.

10:11 AM  

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