Liberals treat dogs like people, Conservatives treat people like dogs

Thursday, March 29

This Iran thing

Hey all, I am concerned about the situation with Iran... and that no one seems to be talking much about it. See, Iran grabbed some British soldiers saying they were trespassing in Iranian waters. It has since been proved they were in Iraqi waters, and so were taken unjustly. Here is the big concern... Iran still has them, and won't give them back.

These aren't prisoners... these are hostages. HOSTAGES! That is serious shit, my friends... and everyone is afraid to drop the 'h' bomb. It gets worse, the Iranians said that they would release the one woman they took as long as Britain doesn't go to the UN about this. Remind you of anything? Like, when the bad guys say "if I see any cops, we kill the girl" in every crime movie. That is what Iran has just said. If we call the cops (involve the UN) they will keep her also as a hostage.

See, Iran hates us. They hate Britain, they hate America, and they hate you. Whatever, they are totally allowed that. I hate them. The thing is, they have nuclear capabilities. Understand that Britain and us are very very very close allies. To kidnap a Brit is akin militarily to kidnapping an American... bad idea. CNN just updated the fact that Britain DID go to the UN. This is big stuff, folks. This is bigger, to me at least, then what is happening in Iraq. See, we knew Iraq didn't have WMDs... that is why we went in there. We went in there to stomp their asses before they could build any. Well, Iran does have WMDs... which is why we are afraid to go in there and stomp their asses.

So what is my solution? I don't pretend to understand foreign policy on any level, but this is what I would do. Give Iran until close of business Sunday night to release all of the hostages unconditionally. Otherwise, we go in and stomp their asses Monday morning. I don't think this should be dragged out for months or for years. Those Brits were serving their country and were unfairly and unjustly kidnapped.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend, I have been saying the same thing for four days. You take 14 of our guys...let the mighty sword of justice fall squarely on your head. I will have 400 fighter jets and 15 destroyers on your doorstep waiting your decision!

This is not about diplomacy. This is about not allowing Iran to do whatever they want.


8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lono, I never knew you were such a hawk! A question: the day after Bush went in would you be against it?

Cap'n Z

11:02 AM  

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